”The extraordinary new recording by Beatriz Azevedo has it all
– high literary erudition, carnavalesque exuberance, absurdist humor,
and audacious experimentalism – the hallmarks of antropofagia”. –
Christopher Dunn
Beatriz Azevedo is poet, singer, songwriter, theater director and actress, a Brazilian multi-artist. In New York, her music was captured in a live recording at Lincoln Center that originated her first live album titled antroPOPhagia, released by label Biscoito Fino.
The concert antroPOPhagia was conceived as a part of Celebrate Brazil!, curated by The Film Society of Lincoln Center and ImageNation. The performance was recorded without proper knowledge by Beatriz and the band: “During the sound check, the sound engineer decided to set up equipment that would make it possible to record in channels, via ProTools HD. The next day of the show, he said: “Beatriz please bring an external hard drive, because it’s heavy!”. Only at this moment did I realize that the sound engineer had recorded the entire show, in high definition”, remembers Beatriz. “So, the idea of the live CD was not mine! Indeed, the sound engineer Justin is the father of this album!”.
AntroPOPhagia is the first live album by Beatriz Azevedo, who has had 3 studio albums produced before: “Bumbum Do Poeta”, released in Brazil (by Caetano Veloso’s label Natasha Records), and in Japan (by Nippon Crown records); “Mapa-Mundi [Samba and Poetry]”, produced by Alê Siqueira, and “Alegria”, with special appearances by Tom Zé and Vinicius Cantuária and released by Biscoito Fino in Brazil and Discmedi in Europe.
In the new CD, Vinicius Cantuária sings 2 songs with Beatriz, “Devora” and “Alegria”, and the Musical Director is Cristóvão Bastos, maestro to Gal Costa, Nana Caymmi, partner of Chico Buarque and Paulinho da Viola. AntroPOPhagia is a creation showing Brazil without clichês, opening a critique and questioning different perspectives about Brazil.
Researching the work of the writer Oswald de Andrade (1890 – 1954), author of the Antropofagia concept, (that later influenced Tropicalia, Mangue Bit, and many cultural movements in the 20th century), Beatriz Azevedo put music to many texts by Andrade. Also, Antropofagia is the core of Beatriz’ thesis for the Master of Arts, (Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences, USP University of São Paulo), and PHD (Institute of Arts, Unicamp). In 2015, Beatriz will release 2 books about Antropofagia and Oswald de Andrade.
The repertory of the album antroPOPhagia is original and written and composed by Beatriz Azevedo, and also with collaborators. The album also includes one song by Cole Porter and another by Tom Jobim, both songs totally recreated by Beatriz’ arrangements. “For Cole Porter, I’ve created a new arrangement for his “What Is This Thing Called Love?” through the rhythm of Jongo, (afro-brazilian slaves dance), looking to challenge the “transcriação” of an American music standard without losing the poetry of Cole’s song, which is so wonderful.” Otherwise, in her arrangement to Jobim’s “Insensatez”, Beatriz Azevedo makes a unique version of this Brazilian standard, mixing it with Astor Piazzolla’s music, creating a dreamy collaboration of the 2 most considered genius’ of Latin American music in the 20th century, Jobim and Piazzolla, who in fact, NEVER did collaborate, even though both composers lived in New York at the same time.
Beatriz’ Performances in International Festivals Include: MoMA’s “Brazil Premiere”, Lincoln Center’s “Celebrate Brazil!”, Nublu’s Jazz Festival, CMJ Music Marathon, Festival Femmes Du Monde in Paris, France, Popkomm Festival in Berlin, Copa Da Cultura in Germany, Dunya Festival in The Netherlands, and many others…
A Biscoito Fino lança o primeiro cd ao vivo da carreira da multi-artista Beatriz Azevedo. Gravado no Lincoln Center em Nova York, o disco antroPOPhagia foi realizado através da parceria do SESC SP e da gravadora Biscoito Fino. O novo projeto de Beatriz Azevedo envolve o intercâmbio entre diversos artistas, 2 países e várias cidades. Beatriz Azevedo & Bárbaros Tecnizados é o nome da banda que reúne novos talentos da cena musical de SP, Rio, Bahia e Recife; o cd conta ainda com participação especial de Vinicius Cantuária e direção musical de Cristóvão Bastos.
O repertório do CD antroPOPhagia ao vivo em Nova York apresenta composições originais de Beatriz Azevedo, arranjos e recriações de Cole Porter e Tom Jobim, além de poemas de Oswald de Andrade e Raul Bopp musicados pela artista, numa sonoridade ao mesmo tempo brasileira e universal. Como costuma dizer, antroPOPhagia é a ressignificação da antropofagia no século XXI, apresentando as “indiossincrasias” da artista Beatriz Azevedo, abrindo o disco com cantos ameríndios, passa depois pela américa latina unindo o tango de Piazzolla com a bossa de Jobim, chega à américa do norte e relê Cole Porter em ritmo de Jongo, devora melodias orientais e levadas africanas em 6/8, cita a Tropicália, chora a alegria brasileira no Lincoln Center, e conclui o disco num Baile da Corte.
Direção Musical de Cristóvão Bastos
Participação Especial de Vinicius Cantuária
Concepção e Direção Artística Beatriz Azevedo
Músicos: ANGELO URSINI [clarinete, flautas, sax, escaleta]
BEATRIZ AZEVEDO [voz e violão]
CRISTÓVÃO BASTOS [piano e wurlitzer]
LEANDRO VASQUES [contrabaixo e vocais]
MATHEUS VON KRUGER [guitarra e vocais]
NANA CARNEIRO DA CUNHA [violoncelo e vocais]
VINICIUS CANTUÁRIA [percussão e vocal]
O show antroPOPhagia estreou no Lincoln Center (Walter Reade Theater) em Nova York, a convite do festival Celebrate Brazil realizado por Film Society of Lincoln Center e ImageNation, em parceria com CrossPath Culture e Acrobeat.
Gravado ao vivo por Justin Bias no Lincoln Center em Nova York.
Gravações adicionais no estúdio Biscoito Fino, no Rio de Janeiro.
Engenheiros de Som Gustavo Krebs e Lucas Ariel
Mixado por Gabriel Pinheiro
Masterizado por Luiz Tornaghi.
Poema de ©Raul Bopp, originalmente publicado em 1928. Atualmente, in Poesia Completa de Raul Bopp, org. Augusto Massi, José Olympio Editora/Edusp, São Paulo. Poemas de ©Oswald de Andrade, publicados em 1927, 1945, 1925. Atualmente, nos livros O Santeiro do Mangue e Outros Poemas, e Pau Brasil, Editora Globo, São Paulo.
Produção Executiva Acrobeat Management Fernando Cavalher Clearance Joana Hime
Imagens no estudio Biscoito: Fino Erik Vesch e Rafaela Ferreira
Criação do Projeto Gráfico: Beatriz Azevedo, Julia Rocha, Tiago Gonçalves, Web Mota
Arte da Capa Julia Rocha
Design Gráfico: Tiago Gonçalves e Web Mota Finalização Tiago Gonçalves
Fotos extraídas da filmagem do show
Direção Geral Kati Almeida Braga
Direção Artística Olívia Hime
Coordenação de Produção Marcela Maia
Agradecimentos Film Society of Lincoln Center, The Walter Reade Theater, ImageNation, CrossPath Culture, Embaixador Luiz Felipe de Seixas Correa, Paulo Guilherme Monteiro Lobato Ribeiro, Washington Cavalcanti, Danilo Santos de Miranda, Ivan Giannini, Olívia Hime, Joana Hime, Cristóvão Bastos, Vinicius Cantuária, Cyro Baptista, Eleonora Alberto, Marília de Andrade, Sergio Bopp, Fernando Cavalher, Cannon Hersey, Moikgantsi Kgama, Justin Bias, Ana Paula Malteze, Gilberto Paschoal, Wagner Talasi, João Zilio, Marcela Maia, Isabella Duvivier, Patricia Kalil, Julia Rocha, Cecília Bocato, Fernando Magrin, Mônica Cavalcanti Lepri, Adil Lepri, Rafaela Ferreira, Erik Vesch, João Maia, Tatiane Vesch, Flavio Pereira, Joaquim Castro, Ricardo Rodrigues, Studio W, Selo de Controle, Brazoo.
« a.g.o.r.a [biscoito fino]
Alegria [Biscoito Fino] »